For each question, circle or check the answer that best applies to you.
Check all of the following that apply:
Do you watch local news and/or local weather?
Approximately how many times per week do you watch local news?
Do you have access to the internet either at home or work?
Have you ever visited any local news station’s website?
If yes, have you read any of the news personalities’ personal bios?
Which of the following weathercasters do you watch the most often?
Is this because:
This person has the best personality?
This station has the best local coverage?
You simply leave this station on after an earlier program ends?
Approximately how many times per week would you say that you watch this weathercaster? Specify a number
The following questions measure the way you feel about your local weather person. Please answer all the questions as they pertain to the one weather person whom you watch most often. Choose the answer that most represents the way you feel about this person.
Respond to the following questions (about the weathercaster you watch most often) using a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 = Agree Strongly and 1 = Disagree Strongly
He/she makes me feel comfortable, as if I am with friends
I see this weathercaster as a natural, down-to-earth person
I look forward to watching him or her on the next newscast
If there were a story about him or her in the paper or a magazine, I would read
I can identify with him or her
I miss seeing this weathercaster when he or she is on vacation
He or she has qualities that are similar to those of my friends
I like the way he or she handles problems that come up
I usually agree with what this weathercaster says
I place a great deal of trust in the recommendations this weathercaster makes
during times of severe weather
I would be likely to take shelter if urged to do so by this weathercaster during
severe weather
This weathercaster provides the correct amount of information about my area
during his or her broadcast
This weathercaster’s ability to predict daily weather is above average
This weathercaster communicates information clearly
This weathercaster provides the information I need to know during severe weather
Part 2. Your experience with severe weather
For each question, check the answer that best applies to you.
Do you have a severe weather plan?
If you answered yes, what is this plan?
Do you have a safe place to go during a tornado?
If you answered yes, what sort of place is this?
Do you believe your home would be safe in winds of 60 miles per hour?
Do you believe your home would be safe during a tornado?
When there is a threat of severe weather, where do you generally hear about it? (Check all that apply)
Is/are any of these sources in your opinion more accurate than the others?
Do you have a NOAA weather radio?
Can you recall severe weather in your area in the past year?
If yes, did severe weather threaten where you lived at the time?
Do you recall seeing a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning come across the bottom of your television screen in the past year?
Do you recall any of the local weathercasters interrupting the program you were watching to give you severe weather information in the past year?
If yes, do you believe it was beneficial for them to do this?
Have you, or has anyone you know well experienced damage from severe
Have you ever taken any safety precautions during severe weather, such as moving to a safe room?
Have you ever been urged to take actions during severe weather by the local weather person?
Have you ever discussed severe weather plans with a friend or relative?
Part 3. Information
Which of the following describes the area in which you live? (Check any/all
that apply)
If you’ve been to Memphis in the past 12 months, has this been for:
Are you a member of a local church, synagogue or other spiritual community?
In the past 12 months, have you been involved with any other type of group or organization?
Do you receive or purchase a daily newspaper?
How long have you lived in Tate or Desoto County?