Broadcaster Severe Weather Survey
(Note, originally administered online.  Formatting may be modified)

Section 1: Weather history and weather salience

1.  How do you normally receive your daily weather information?
    a. Weather Channel    b. Local Television Station    c. Friends/Family            d. Radio Broadcast     e. Internet            d. other _____________

2. How often do you look for a daily weather forecast?
    a. Never    b. Once a week    c. Several times a week    d. Every day

3.  How do you normally receive your severe weather information?
    a. Weather Channel    b. Local Television Station    c. Internet    d. Siren        e. Friends/Family     f. Radio Broadcast        g. other _____________

4. Do you know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning?
    a. Yes        b. No        c. I don’t know

    >>If yes, please explain the difference.

5. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements.

    a. When I hear others talking about the weather it bores me.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    b. It is important to consider the weather when planning for my day.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    c. I get excited when I find myself talking to others about the weather.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    d. The weather is interesting to me.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree

Section 2: Video-specific risk perception, preventative behavior, and video recall questions

Hamilton/reflectivity specific questions

6.  How familiar are you with this region of Alabama?
    Not Familiar    1    2    3    4    5    Very Familiar

7. What area of Hamilton is most likely to experience a direct hit from the tornado?

8. Is there a confirmed tornado with this storm?
    a. Yes            b. No            c. I don’t know

9. Has the tornado crossed I-22?
    a. Yes            b. No            c. I don’t know

10. How likely is Hamilton to experience a direct hit from the tornado?
Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

11. If Hamilton was hit, how severe would the damage be?
Not Severe    1    2    3    4    5    Very Severe

12. The possible tornado is located _____________ of Hamilton.
    a. South    b. Southeast        c. East        d. Northeast
    e. North    f. Northwest        g. West    h. Southwest

13. How likely would you be to call and alert them of the storm if you had a family     member or close friend in Hamilton?
    Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

  >>>What would you tell them?

14. How likely is Hodges to experience a direct hit from the tornado?
Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

15. If Hodges was hit, how severe would the damage be?
Not Severe    1    2    3    4    5    Very Severe

16. How likely would you be to call and alert them of the storm if you had a family     member or close friend in Hodges?
 Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

  >> What would you tell them?

17. Which city is most likely to experience a direct hit from the possible tornado?
    a. Hodges    b. Hamilton    c. Hackleburg        d. None of the cities listed        e. a & b    f. a & c        g. b & c

Boley Springs/velocity specific questions

18.  How familiar are you with this region of Alabama?
    Not Familiar    1    2    3    4    5    Very Familiar

19.  How likely is Oakman to experience a direct hit from the tornado?
Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

20.  If Oakman was hit, how severe would the damage be?
Not Severe    1    2    3    4    5    Very Severe

21.  How likely would you be to call and alert them of the storm if you had a family     member or close friend in Oakman?
    Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

22.  About how fast do you think the storm is moving?
    a. 10-20 mph        b. 20-30 mph        c. 30-40 mph    d. 40-50 mph    e. 50-60 mph        f. 60-70 mph        g. 70-80 mph        h. 80-90 mph

23.  Is there a confirmed tornado with this storm?
    a. Yes            b. No            c. I don’t know

24.  How likely is Sandtown to experience a direct hit from the tornado?
Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

25.  If Sandtown was hit, how severe would the damage be?
Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

26.  How likely would you be to call and alert them of the storm if you had a family     member or close friend in Sandtown?
    Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

27.  The possible tornado is located _____________ of Boley Springs.
    a. South    b. Southeast        c. East        d. Northeast    e. North    f. Northwest        g. West        h. Southwest

28.  Do you know what the red and green colors indicate on the radar image?
    a. Yes        b. No        c. I don’t know

   >>>If yes, please explain.

29. Which city is most likely to experience a direct hit from the possible tornado?
    a. Oakman    b. Sandtown    c. Boley Springs    d. None of the cities listed    e. a & b    f. a & c        g. b & c

Section 3: Overall risk perception

30. Please indicate how accurately the following words describe severe weather situation from the previous clip.

    a. Threatening
Not Very 1    2    3    4    5   Very Much

    b. Common
Not Very 1    2    3    4    5    Very Much

    c. Predictable
Not Very 1    2    3    4    5    Very Much

    d. Dreadful
Not Very 1    2    3    4    5    Very Much

    e. Abnormal
Not Very 1    2    3    4    5    Very Much

    f. Unexpected
Not Very 1    2    3    4    5    Very Much

31. How scary does this situation seem to you?
Not Scary    1    2    3    4    5    Very Scary

32. How would you rate the dangerousness of this storm?
Not Dangerous    1    2    3    4    5    Very Dangerous

33. How would you rate the severity of the storm?
Not Strong     1    2    3    4    5    Very Strong

34. What rating do you think the indicated tornado would receive?
 a. F-0        b. F-1        c. F-2        d. F-3        e. F-4        f. F-5

35. How likely would you be to seek shelter from this storm?
Not Likely    1    2    3    4    5    Very Likely

36. How safe would you feel in your home if the storm shown in the clip was headed     toward your home?
Not Safe    1    2    3    4    5    Very Safe

37. What would be your preferred method of seeking shelter from this storm?
  a. basement        b. interior room    c. drive                    d. outdoor storm shelter away        e. home of someone else        f. would not plan to take shelter        g. other

 >>How safe would you feel in your preferred shelter from this storm?
Not Safe    1    2    3    4    5    Very Safe

Section 4: Trust of the weather broadcaster

38. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements.

    a. The person speaking in the video clip is a qualified weather forecaster.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    b. The person speaking in the video clip is concerned with my safety.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    c. I am confident in the skill of the person speaking in the video clip as a weather     forecaster.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    d. The person speaking in the video clip is a reliable weather forecaster.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    e. I am confident that the person speaking in the video clip will address a severe     weather situation when it affects me.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree
    f. The person speaking in the video clip consistently and fairly covers all the storms     during a severe weather situation.
Strongly Disagree  1    2    3    4    5    Strongly Agree

39.  How often do you watch James Spann’s weather forecasts?
    a. Never    b. Once a week    c. Several times a week    d. Every day

Section 5: Demographics

40. Does any close friend or family member live in the areas shown in the clips?
    a. Yes            b. No            c. I don’t know

41. Gender:   
    a. Male        b. Female
42. Age:    ____________

43. Zip code:    ____________

44. What is the highest level of education that you have attained?
    a. Some high school        b. High school            c. Some college        e. Bachelor’s degree        f. Advanced degree

45. With which group do you identify the most?
    a. Caucasian    b. Black    c. Hispanic    d. Asian    e. Other: __________